Fulfill the compulsory
Islamic requirement of Hajj once in a lifetime
(While praying make sure to cover your shoulders even in Ihram)
Dhul Haj (Yaum -e-Tarwiya)
Day of watering people and animals
1) A
pilgrim is required to enter in the state of Ihram with the intention of
doing Hajj only from Meeqat. Start reciting Talbiyyah in raised voice
(Labbayk …..
2)Tawaf al Qudum (arrival Tawaf-This tawaf is
sunnah but it is not wajib or
compulsory) Prophet (s.a.w.) performed Tawaf al Qudum (Muslim) This is
then followed by 2 Rak'as Salaat near to Ibrahim's station or anywhere in the
3) Perform Sa’ee. It is permissible to
postpone Sa'ee for Hajj until after Tawaf for Hajj (Tawaf Al-Ifaadah).
Proceed to Mina perform Zuhar, Asar, Magrib,
Isha, Fajar of 9 DhulHaj at their specific
times, shortening them 4 to 2 rakaah but without combining them
1) This
is Hajj combined with ‘Umrah without coming out of Ihram, The Qarin should
enter in the state of Ihram with the intention of performing ‘Umrah and Hajj
together. The Qarin is not allowed to come out
of the Ihram no matter how long the period between his ‘Umrah and Hajj may
be. Start reciting Talbiya (Labbayk……
Tawaf of Umrah
(takes the place
of Tawaf al Qudum or arrival Tawaf)
This is then followed by 2 Rak'as Salah near to Ibrahim's station or anywhere
in the mosque
3) Only one Sa’ee of Umrah and Haj (today or later on)
4) Proceed to Mina perform
Zuhar, Asar, Magrib, Isha, Fajar of 9 DhulHaj at their specific times,
shortening them 4 to 2 rakaah but without combining them
1) A
pilgrim is required to enter in the state of Ihram with the intention of
doing Umrah from Meeqat before or on 8 DhulHaj. Talbiyyah
2) Tawaf of Umrah
(takes the place
of Tawaf al Qudum or arrival Tawaf) This is then followed by 2 Rak'as Salah
near to Ibrahim's station or anywhere in the mosque
3) Sa’ee of Umrah
4) shorten the hair
5) Take off the Ihram
6) Enter in the state of Ihram with the intention of
doing Hajj, from the place where you live. Start recit-ing Talbiyyah (Labbayk
7) Proceed to Mina perform Zuhar, Asar, Magrib, Isha, Fajar of 9
DhulHaj at their specific
times, shortening them 4 to 2 rakaah but without combining them
9 Dhul Haj
1) Proceed to Masjid Nimra Listen to Sermon (Qutba)–Zuhur
Prayer 2 rakaat and Asr 2 rakaat/go to Arafat for
Wuquf. The best day of year is Yaum-e- Arafah, supplicate with raised
2) After Sun set proceed to Muzdalifah Magrib 3 rakaat and
Isha 2 rakaat (Prophet s.a.w. didn’t pray witr. Collect 49/or70 pebbles. After
spending the night in Muzdalifa, offer Fajr at it’s specific time early, recite
zikr (Dhikr) remembrance of Allah until sunrise. (For the weak or aged male hajis and even female hajis they
are allowed to go to Mina even before Fajr)
Dhul Haj
(Yaum-e-Nahar) Sacrifice Day
1) Proceed to Mina before sunrise, say
Takbir and throw 7 pebbles (small less than 1cm diameter) on Jamratul Aqabah (Big),
stop Talbiyyah after throwing 1st
(2) Shave or cut the hairs
(3) Bathe
and remove Ihram, wear normal clothes duly perfumed (it is sunnah)
(4) Go to
Haram Tawaf Al-Ifaadah (it’s Rukun/compulsory)
(5) Perform Haj Sa’ee if not done before. After this
Tawaf and Sa’yee pilgrim is allowed to do everything that was lawful before
Ihram (6)
Return to Mina to spend night
1) Proceed to
Mina after fajr before sunrise throw 7 pebbles (small less than 1cm dia) on
Jamratul Akabah, stop Talbiyyah immediately after throwing 1st
Slaughter the animal (3) Shave or cut the hairs
(4) Bathe and
remove Ihram, wear normal clothes duly perfumed (it is sunnah)
Go to Haram Tawaf Al-Ifaadah (it is Rukun / compulsory)
(6) Perform Haj Sa’ee
(if not done before for Qiran, For Qiran only one Sa’ee).
Tamattu 2 sa’ees, one Sa’ee on 8 DhulHaj-Umrah, one sa’ee today. After
this Tawaf and Sa’yee pilgrim is allowed to do everything that was lawful
before Ihram
(7) Return to Mina to spend night
11 to 12 / 13 Dhul
Haj (Ayam Tashreeq)
1) After zawal 12.30 pm noon time, go for “Rami” (stoning)
say Takbir and throw 7 pebbles on Small Jamara, stop and supplicate for long
time by raising hands facing Qibla (It is sunnah). Go to middle jamara say
Takbir and throw 7 pebbles on Middle stop and supplicate by raising hands facing
Qibla, and 7 on Jamratul Akabah move from here without supplicating.
2) Perform these
stonings on all 2/3 days at Minaa; the 11th, 12th, and/or 13th of
3) it is permissible
to leave on the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah 4) Perform a final Farewell Tawaaf al-Widaa’ when
leaving Makkah (It is Waajib, if not done then offer animal sacrifice in
Makkah, however, mensurating women they are allowed to go home without Tawaaf
I am extremely pleased to provide the
links of English and Urdu books (pdf format) written by renowned scholars from
given below blog. once you reached end of the page on the right hand bottom
side please click “older Posts” keep on
going thru these pages, as there’re several pages each time at the end of page
click “older Posts”
May Allah Almighty accept our efforts.
Mirza Ehteshamuddin Ahmed (Hyderabadi)
Email: mirzaehtesham1950@gmail.com
(Pillars) of Hajj
(Be aware that whoever leaves out something which is a
“Rukn”, his Hajj is incomplete and cannot be compensated for unless that “Rukn”
is done.)
1) Ihraam with intention of performing Haj
2) Woqoof (standing) in ‘Arafah
3) Tawaaf al-Ifaadhah
4) Sa’ee between as-Safaa and al-Marwah
Waajibaat (Obligations) of Hajj (Whoever leaves out a waajib, he has to expiate for it by
giving a sacrifice animal within territory of Makkah and distribute the meat to
beggars without eating from it any part)
1) Ihraam from the meeqaat
2) Staying at ‘Arafah till sunset for those who
are there by day.
3) Staying and resting in Muzdalifah till Fajr
until the horizon becomes clear (i.e. brightens), except for the
weak/excused who may leave after half the
night has passed.
4) Spending the nights in Minaa during the days
of tashreeq (11th, 12th and/or 13th of Thul Hijjah)
5) Do “Rami” (Pelting/stoning) on the jamaraat
6) Shaving or trimming (the hair).
7) The farewell tawaaf.
Note: (The difference between “Rukn & Waajib”
is that missing the “Rukn” nullifies Hajj altogether;
while missing “Waajib” should be expiated by sacrificing animal.)
(Qudum, Ifaadha, Al-Widaa)
(Qudum, Ifaadha, Al-Widaa)
(Qudum, Ifaadha, Al-Widaa)
Only 1Sa’ee
of Haj
Only 1Sa’ee
of Haj and Umrah
2 Sa’ees,
1 for Umrah and 1 for Haj
Not obligatory
It is sunnah to eat
the meat from Hadee and distribute to needy or poor.
If the pilgrim is
unable to make this sacrifice, “For whoever cannot (obtain
a hadee), he must fast 3 days during the Hajj and 7 days after his return
(home), making ten days in total. This is for the one whose family is not
present at al-Masjid al-Haraam (a non-resident of Makkah).” [Surah Al-Baqarah 2/196]
Things of Ihram
(If anyone who performs the listed below prohibited things either unknowingly
or by forgetfulness then there is no expiation or penalty for
him, but the moment he remembers or get knowledge he has to immediately stop
doing prohibited thing. However, if anyone does listed below prohibited things
1-6 knowingly , he has to expiate for it by giving a sacrifice
animal (Fidya) within territory of Makkah and distribute the meat to beggars
without eating from it any part or portion. Alternatively for a person who is
poor or unable to purchase a sacrificial animal, he must feed 6 poor people or
fast 3 days. This Fidya sacrifice is in addition to the sacrifice of Hadee)
1) Trimming or plucking or shaving hairs any part
of the body.
2) Clipping fingernails or toenails.
3) Males covering the head, females covering the
face when no stranger is present before her and wear hand
4) Males wearing stitched (sewn) clothes
5) Males wearing socks or cover ankles
6) Wearing perfumed clothes or apply perfume on
7) Consummating Marriage.
8) Having sexual intercourse: Hajj would be nullified, and the pilgrim must offer
a sacrificial animal (camel) and
complete the rituals, but must return next year or years later on to
perform the annulled Hajj. Umar bin al-
Khattab, Ali and Abu Hurairah were asked about a man who had an
intercourse with his wife. They said that he
should continue his Hajj, offer a sacrificial animal, and return
the following year to perform Hajj. (Mawatta)
9) The mubasharah, or doing a thing which
may lead to it such as kissing or fondling.
10) Hunting land animals and birds or cooperating or
helping in that.