Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Guard Your Tongue

Only few pages taken from book
Guard your tongue      23 pages book can be downloaded from the given below link
(Written by: Mirza Ehteshamuddin Ahmed)

      The tongue, the language and the mind etc... are great gifts of Allah(SWT-Subhana Wa Ta'laa). These gifts that Allah has given to man makes him superior to all other creatures. Islam has given special attention to speech, its style, its etiquette and rules, because the talk that comes out from a man's mouth discloses  his intellectual level and moral nature. Moreove, the etiquette of speech in a group reveals its general standard, and shows the standard of decency in their environment.
        Truthful, clean and decent conversation impresses both friends and foes (enemies, rivals, opponents), and its sweet fruits can be readily enjoyed. It guards love between friends.


"Say (0 Prophet!) to my slaves to speak which is kindlier. Verily, the devil sows discord among them. Verily, the devil is for man an open enemy."  (Surah Bani Israil 17:53)

 "Not a word is said except that there is a guard (close observer) by him ready to record it."
[Surah Qaf (50:18]

On a Day when their tongues, their hands and their feet will bear witness against them as to what they used to do.
(Surah AlNur 24:24)

O you who believe, fear Allah and be with those who are true.
(Surah At-Tauba 9:119)

          Narrated Abu Musa (RA): Some people asked Allah's Apostle, "Whose
Islam is the best? i.e. (Who is a very good Muslim)?" He replied, "One who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongue and hands."
(Bukhari 1.10)

Prophet(pbh) said I guarantee Paradise for ….
Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: Allah's Apostle (pbh) said, "Whoever can guarantee (the chastity of) what is between his two jaw-bones and what is between his two legs (i.e. his tongue and his private parts), I guarantee Paradise for him." (Bukhari 8:481)

"Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should not hurt his neighbor and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should serve his guest  generously and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should talk what is good or keep quiet."
(Bukhari 8/158)

A wrong word uttered by tongue the person may slip into hell fire
Narrated Abu Huraira (RA): That he heard Allah's Apostle saying, "A
slave of Allah may utter a word without thinking whether it is right or wrong, he may slip down in the Fire as far away a distance equal to that between the east."(and the west)
(Bukhari 8:484; Muslim)

Which is among the dangerous acts that displeases Allah (SWT)?
Narrated Abu Huraira(RA): The Prophet (pbh); said, "A slave (of Allah) may utter a word which pleases Allah without giving it much importance, and because of that Allah will raise him to degrees (of reward): a slave (of Allah(SWT) may utter a word (carelessly) which displeases Allah(SWT) without thinking of its gravity and because of that he will be thrown into the Hell- Fire."
(Bukhari 8:485 )

Who tells lies? {{ Answer, (1) Kafir, (2) Hypocrite (Munafiq),
(3)indebted person (one who ows money), (4)Seller}} 

Narrated `Aisha(RA): Allah's Apostle used to invoke Allah in the prayer saying,
اَللّٰہُمَّ اِنِّیْ اَعُوْذُبِکَ مِنَ الْمَاْثَمِ وَالْمَغْرَمِ

 "O Allah, I seek refuge with you from all sins, and from being in debt."
 Someone said, O Allah's Apostle! (I see you) very often you seek refuge with Allah(SWT) from being in debt. He replied, "If a person is in debt, he tells lies when he speaks, and breaks his promises when he promises."
(Bukhari 3:582 ; Muslim 1:412)

Woe (highest affliction, highest  hardship) to every sinful liar
(Surah Al-Jathiya 45:7)

Allah(SWT) does not guide liars
Indeed, Allah(SWT) does not guide one who is a transgressor and a liar.
(Surah Al-Mumin  40/28)

Whoever fabricates a lie about Allah is unjust and he goes to hell

(1)And who is more unjust than one who invents a lie about Allah or denies the truth when it has come to him? Is there not in Hell a [sufficient] residence for the disbelievers?
 (Surah Al-Ankabut 29:68)

  (2)So who is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah(SWT) or denies His signs? Indeed, the criminals will not succeed.
(Surah Yunus 10/17)       

 Whoever tells a lie against Prophet(pbh) he occupies a place in hell fire.
Narrated Anas (RA): The fact which stops me from narrating a great number of Hadiths to you is that the prophet(pbh) said: "Whoever tells a lie against me intentionally, then (surely) let him occupy his seat in Hell-fire."
(Bukhari 1/108)

The cheeks of liar will be torn away (from mouth to the ear) till the day of Resurrection
Narrated Samura bin Jundub(RA): The prophet(pbh) said, "I saw (in a dream), two men came to me." Then the prophet(pbh) narrated the story (saying), "They said, 'The person, the one whose cheek you saw being torn away (from the mouth to the ear) was a liar and used to tell lies and the people would report those lies on his authority till they spread all over the world. So he will be punished like that till the Day of Resurrection."'
 (Bukhari 8/118)

Who is most hatred person in the sight of Allah(SWT)
The prophet(pbh) said, "The most hated person in the sight of Allah(SWT) is the most quarrelsome person."
(Bukhari 3/634)

   Concerning the present topic to guard the tongue some forbidden acts are (a) Don't sit in a gathering where Allah's Ayaat verses of Quran are ridiculed
     (mocked or laughed at)
(Al-Nisa 4/140)
(b) Allah commands avoid false statement,  (Surah Al-Hajj 22/30)

(c) Evil should not be noised abroad in public speech ( An-Nissa 4/148)
(d) "Don't repel your parents but speak to them a noble word.
      (Surah Al-Isra-17:23)
(e) "Do not abuse the dead" (Bukhari 8:523)
(f) Don't sell goods by false oath. (Muslim  Book 1:0192)

(g) "Abusing a Muslim is Fusuq (i.e., an evil doing), and killing him is Kufr
      (disbelief).(Bukhari 8:70)
(h) Don't accuse chaste women (Bukhari)
(i) Do not obey every worthless  scorner, going about with malicious gossip
     (Surah Al-Qalam 68:12)  
(j) Great is hatred in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not do.
      (Surah Ass-Saff 61:2-3)
(k) Don't abuse the Dahr (Time) (Bukhari 8:200)

23 pages book can be downloaded from the following link
(Written by: Mirza Ehteshamuddin Ahmed- Hyderabadi)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rights of Children

04 Dec 2012
Only few pages taken from book
The Rights of Children      31 pages book can be downloaded from any of the 3 links
For each right either verse from Holy Quran is presented or hadith is mentioned
 (Written by: Mirza Ehteshamuddin Ahmed)

         All praises are for Almighty, Most Merciful Allah, and may peace descend upon his final prophet, the mercy to this universe, Muhammad and all those who follow his way until the Last Day.
        Children are the fruits of the marital relationship and a pleasure in this life. In fact, parents must train their children so that they become solace (comfort, support, coolness) of their eyes in this life and hereafter. The responsibility of Children lies on parents (both mother and father), they would be accountable on the day of judgement for their children's upbringing religious education ..etc.
Islamic Shari`ah (i.e. Islamic Law) gives extensive details about each and every aspect of life. Islam is a complete way of life.

        Parent-child relation is a reciprocal one. Scholars have categorized “The Rights of Children (Duties and responsibilities of Parents)” into 10 basic rights which are as follows

(1) Upon birth-   (1a) give him or her good name
   (1b) Adhan in the ear (1d) circumcise him.
   (1d) Make Aqiqah [sacrifice], to take some of the baby hair
(2) Children have the right to be protected not to be killed
      (2a) About "FAMILY PLANNING" ask the scholars -
(3) Children have the right to be fed and clothed  
     (3a) Mothers may breastfeed their children 2 years 
     (3b) Children have a right to a standard of living  
     (3c) Pious people's families would all be in Paradise
(4) Right to Education-(4a) Childs first school is mother-
      "mother tongue" is the best language
    (4b) Islamic Education
     (4c) Scientific or worldly matters related education
(5) Right to love and affection
      (5a) Ninety-nine parts of Mercy is with Allah
      (5b) prophet (pbh) loved the children greatly
(6) Right to be well provided (materially)-Welfare of the child
     (6a) Treat the children equally
(7) Arrange/accept a good spouse for your child’s marriage
(8) Adults to give appropriate respect to children
(9) Inheritance rights (birth right or heritage property rights)
(10) Pray for their childrens’ well being-ness
(11) Protect Children from bad friends and evil companions
1 – Upon birth of children
   (1a) give him or her good name
   (1b) Adhan in the ear (1c) circumcise
   (1d) Make Aqiqah [sacrifice], to take some of the baby hair
There is Prophetic tradition narrated by AbuWahb Al-Jushami says: "Keep the names of prophets, the most desirable names by Allah are Abdullah and Abdur-Rahmaan, and names that depict honesty such as Haarith (planter) and Hammaam (thoughtful). The most disliked names are Harb (battle)
and Murrah (bitter)." (Abu Dawood 4932)

2 - Children have the right to be protected
Guidance  from  Holy  Quran
Allah says in Quran:

      (1) "O ye who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones (Surah Al Tahrim 66 / 6)

     (2) Your wealth and your children are but a trial, and Allah has with Him a great reward.  (Al-Taghabun 64/15)

    (3)  And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Indeed, their killing is ever a great sin. ( Bani Israil 17/31)

   Guidance  from  Sunnah  of  Prophet (pbuh)
        (1) Allah's Apostle, PBH said: "Upon death, man's deeds will (definitely) stop except for three deeds, namely: a continuous charitable fund, endowment or goodwill; knowledge left for people to benefit from; and pious righteous and God-fearing child who continuously prays Allah the Almighty, for the soul of his parents." (Muslim 1631)

       (2) The Prophet (pbh) said, "All of you are guardians and are responsible for your wards. (wards=children, property, possessions....etc.) The ruler is a guardian and the man is a guardian of his family; the lady is a guardian and is responsible for her husband's house and his offspring (children) ; and so all of you are guardians and are responsible for your wards." (Bukhari 7/128)

The  Child  has  a  right  to  life
Neither the father nor the mother have the right to take the life of the child, whether a boy or a girl, by killing it or burying it alive, as was done by some Arabs of jahiliyyah. Young age children's murder is the oppression of a feeble, helpless human being. What would be the answer when Almighty Allah will ask the people “The female child who was buried alive is asked for what crime she was killed.”

"And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked. For what sin she was killed
(Surah At-Takwir 81/8-9)

3- Children have the Right to be fed and clothed

Mothers   may  nurse (breast-feed)   their   children  for  two complete  years  for  whoever  wishes to complete the nursing
(Surah Baqra 2/233)

4- Right to Education
Child’s   first   School  is  mother
This means a number of things for a Muslim. First, the mother is regarded as the child’s first school and a source of great influence on the child’s character and manners. Islam encourages learning throughout your life.

5- Right to Love and Affection
Our  Prophet (pbuh)  loved   children  greatly
A bedouin came to the prophet (pbh) and said, "You (people) kiss the boys! We don't kiss them." The prophet (pbh) said, "I cannot put mercy in your heart after Allah has taken it away from it."
(Bukhari 8/27)

6-Right to be well provided (materially)
Treat  the  children  equally
Nu'man b. Bashir reported: My father conferred a gift upon me, and then brought me to Allah's Messenger The Holy Prophet pbh
had said: Observe equity amongst your children. (Muslim 3970)

7-Arrange / accept a good spouse for your son’s or daughter’s marriage
First  marriage  or    remarry   son   or   daughter   in case  first spouse  has  died  or  divorced
Narrated by Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri RA, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If any- one cares for three daughters, disciplines them, marries them, and
does good to them, he will go to Paradise. (Muslim 5128)

Narrated by Abu Huraira RA, the Prophet said, "The one who looks after a widow or a poor person is like a Mujahid (warrior) who fights for Allah's Cause, or like him who performs prayers all the night and fasts all the day." (Bukhari 7/265)

8- Right to child’s respect
Adults  or  parents  must  give  appropriate  respect  to   children 

Prophet (pbh) while walking through the streets he would offer 'salaam' to children, play and cut jokes with them.  Anas bin Malik reported that he passed by a group of boys and greeted them and said, "The prophet (pbh) used to do so." (Bukhari 8/264)

9- Inheritance Rights
Birth  Right  or  heritage  property  rights  of   children 

10- Parents both father and mother are required to pray for their children’s welfare
You  can  find  10 duas  in  Arabic  and  English  in  my  book   
The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "The supplications of three persons are accepted, and there is no doubt concerning their acceptance: the supplication of a father, of a traveller, and of one who is wronged (oppressed).' (Reported by Ahmad, At- Tirmidhi,
Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah)

11- Protect Children from bad friends and evil companions
31 pages book can be downloaded from any of the 3 links
For each right either verse from Holy Quran is presented or hadith is mentioned
(Written by: Mirza Ehteshamuddin Ahmed)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Urdu Books Links 81-100

Urdu Books Links 81-100

السلام علیکم ورحمۃ اللہ و برکاتہ

Dear Brothers
I would like to inform you that as I am sending some Urdu and English articles which are not included on this site. If anyone is interested in 3-4 page articles please write to

        In the given below links for readers’ convenience books arrangement is made and these are collected and grouped together (titles / topic wise).
Please click on the links below, author’s name is given in brackets.

           Oh Allaah I ask You by your mercy which encircles (surrounds) all things, that You forgive me and grant reward to all people who have worked to propagate your Deen Islam.

Mirza Ehteshamuddin Ahmed (Hyderabadi)  
Jeddah mobile 00966-509380704

Book Title /  Link

جنت میں لے جانے والے اعمال (مرزا احتشام الدین احمد)
Jannat Mein Lay Janane Waley Aamal (Urdu)

حقوق القرآن جزء اول (مرزا احتشام الدین احمد)
Huququl Quran Part 1 (Mirza Ehteshamuddin Ahmed) 4.3 mb 31 pages http://ia600504.us.archive.org/33/items/HuququlQuran-1/HuquqQ1.pdf

حقوق القرآن جزء دوم (مرزا احتشام الدین احمد)
Huququl Quran Part 2 (Mirza Ehteshamuddin Ahmed) 4.3 mb 31 pages http://ia600801.us.archive.org/5/items/HuququlQuran-2/HuquqQ2.pdf

فضائل قرآن (شیخ محمد بن عبدالوہاب )
Fazail Quran (by Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab- founder of the Salafi movement whose pact with Muhammad bin Saud helped to establish the first Saudi state and began a dynastic alliance and power-sharing arrangement between their families)4.8mb-46 pages

Book Title /  Link

اسلامی حقوق و آداب (شیخ عبد الہادی عبد الخالق مدنی)
Islami Huquq wo Aadaab-(Abdul Hadi Abdul Khaleq Madani)-0.9mb 104pages

اتباع سنت (ابو بدیع الدین شاہ راشدی )
Itte-ba-e sunnet(Abu Badi uddin Shah Rashdi)mb 28 pages http://ahlehadith.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/itte-ba-e-sunnet.pdf

نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی اتباع (مرزا احتشام الدین احمد)
Nabi Kareem Ki Itteba (Mirza Ehteshamuddin Ahmed) 27 pages-3.05mb

طہارت و نماز (شیخ صالح العثیمین )
Taharat w namaaz (Shaykh Saalih al Uthaimeen)  1.2 mb -24pages http://ahlehadith.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/taharat-w-namaaz.pdf
نماز میں خشوع و عاجزی اور سینے پر ہاتھ باندھنا (ابو بدیع الدین شاہ راشدی )
Namaz khusu aajzi-Seeney Par Haath Bandhna

17- نماز نبوی (شیخ ناصر الدین البانی)

Book Title /  Link

نماز کا طریقہ (الشیخ عبد العزیز بن باز رحمہُ اللہ )
Namaz Ka Tariqa (Sk A. Aziz Bin A. Bin Baaz) 24 pages 0.38mb  http://d1.islamhouse.com/data/ur/ih_books/single/ur_the_description_of_the_prophet_prayer.pdf

نماز نبوی (ابو بدیع الدین شاہ راشدی )
Namaz nabawi (Abu Badi uddin Shah Rashdi) 5.16 mb 41pages http://ahlehadith.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/namaz-nabawi-shah.pdf

Book Title /  Link

حج و عمرہ کے مسائل ( محمد اقبال کیلانی )
Hajj Wo Umrah ke Masail (Sk.Muhammad Iqbal Keelani) 233 pages 3.6mb            http://d1.islamhouse.com/data/ur/ih_books/single/ur_Hajj_aur_Umra_Ke_Masayal.pdf

اہم فتاوہ حج و عمرہ (الشیخ العلامہ عبدالعزیز بن عبداللہ بن باز رحمہُ اللہ)
Aham Fatawa Hajj wo Umrah (Ex Mufti Azam Saudi Arabia-Sk Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Baz) 0.61mb  72 pages

حج و عمرہ (الشیخ العلامہ عبدالعزیز بن عبداللہ بن باز رحمہُ اللہ)

فتاویٰ ا رکان اسلام (عقائد عبادات اور دیگر احکام و مسائل پر تحقیقی فتاویٰ)
(شیخ صالح العثیمین )

fatawa Arkan Islam-Aqaied, Ibadaat –
Fatwas (Mohammed Saleh Otaimeen) 9.9 mb 467 pages

فتاویٰ و تنبیہات و نصائح ۔ مقالات و فتاویٰ
(سماحۃ الشیخ عبدالعزیز بن عبداللہ بن باز ؒ )
Fataawa Wo Tanbihat Wo Nasaheh (Fatwas)-Maqalaat Wo Fatawa
(Sk A. Aziz Bin A. Bin Baaz-Translation M. Khaled Saif) 50.76 mb 472 pages

تقوٰی کا نور اور گناہوں کی تاریکیاں (شیخ سعید بن علی بن وھف القحطانی)
Taqwa ka Noor aur Gunahoan ki Tarikiyan ( Saeed Bin W. AlQahtani 38.4 mb 149 pages

Book Title /  Link


حسن خاتمہ اسکے وسائل و علامات نیز سوء خاتمہ پر تنبیہ  (ڈاکڑ عبد اللہ بن محمد المطلق)
Husney Khatema uskey Wasayel wa alaamat versus Suu-e-khatema par tanbih
Dr.Abdullah Bin Mohmammed AlMutlaq-0.3mb-21 pages

زکوٰۃ کی کتاب (شیخ عمران ایوب لاہوری)
Imran Ayub Lahori-6.3 mb-305 pages

Book Title /  Link

غم نہ کریں (ڈاکڑ عائض بن عبد اللہ القرنی )
غم نہ کریں عربی کتاب لا تحزن کا اردو ترجمہ ہے
عربی کتاب کی دس لاکھ سے زیادہ کاپیاں فروخت ہوچکی ہیں
Gham na Karein (Dr. Ayez Bin Abdullah Qarni) 11.6 mb-480 pageshttp://d1.islamhouse.com/data/ur/ih_books/single/ur_Gham_Na_Karain.pdf

اسلام کی عمارت کو ڈھا دینے والے دس امور نواقض اسلام
(شیخ محمد بن عبدالوہاب )
Islam Ki Imaarat ko dha denay waley dus amoor-Nawaqiz Islam) By Sh Muhammd bin Abdul Wahab)

تجلیات نبوت (شیخ صفی الرحمن مبارکپوری )
Tajaliyat-e-Nubuwat (By-Sk. Safi Ur Rahman Mubarakpuri)34 mb-400 pages

الرحیق المختوم (سیرت نگاری کے عالمی مقابلے میں اول آنے والی عربی کتاب کا اردو ترجمہ)
ترجمہ و تصنیف شیخ صفی الرحمن مبارکپوری
Raheeq Al-Makhtoom (Ar-Raheeq Al-Mukhtum) (Award winning Seerah Book ) (By-Sk. Safi Ur Rahman Mubarakpuri)25 mb-653 pages http://ahlehadith.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/raheeq-al-makhtoom.pdf

پیارے نبی (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) کی پیاری زندگی
(شیخ عرفان جمیل)
Piyare Nabi ki Piyari Zindagi (By-Irfan Jameel)6.6 mb- 63 pages

حجیت حدیث (شیخ صفی الرحمن مبارکپوری )
Hujeat-e-Hadith (Safi Ur Rahman Mubarak Pur)i-0.6mb-35 pages

فقہ السنہ (شیخ محمد عاصم)
120-Fiqh-us-Sunnah (Shaikh Mohammed Asim AlHaddad) MB pages